- Self-closes instantly
- No cross-contamination between wells
- Allows next-day analysis
- No adhesive on well spots
- Pipette tips insert easily with less friction
- Reduce solvent evaporation
- Size: 80 mm x 122 mm (96-well format)
- Material: PET. Silicone
- Adhesive: Acrylic-based (no adhesive over well spots)
- Functional temperature range: -80°C to +37°C Automation
- No PCR inhibition
- If DNA-free certification is needed, please contact us
- Automated pipetting and liquid handling
- HPLC and LC/MS
- DNA Extraction
- Automated single-molecule imaging
- Cell culturing
- Biochemical assays
- Incubation
- Vortex

Ask, K. S., Lid, M., Øiestad, E. L., Pedersen-Bjergaard, S., & Gjelstad, A. (2019). Liquid-phase microextraction in 96-well plates calibration and accurate quantification of pharmaceuticals in human plasma samples. Journal of Chromatography A.
Toth, C. A., Kuklenyik, Z., & Barr, J. R. (2019). Nuts and Bolts of Protein Quantification by Online Trypsin Digestion Coupled LC-MS/MS Analysis. In Functional Proteomics (pp. 295-311). Humana Press, New York, NY.
Berg, T., Eliassen, E., Jørgenrud, B., Kabashi, S., Petukhov, A., & Bogstrand, S. T. (2018). Determination of phosphatidyl ethanol 16: 0/18: 1 in whole blood by 96‐well supported liquid extraction and UHPLC‐MS/MS. Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis, e22631.
Yasui, M., Hiroshima, M., Kozuka, J., Sako, Y., & Ueda, M. (2018). Automated single-molecule imaging in living cells. Nature Communications, 9(1), 3061.