Profiling of the Polyphenol Content of Honey from Different Geographical Origins in the United States

I would like to thank Katherine NyarkoKaitlyn Boozer, and C. Michael Greenlief for sharing their paper “Profiling of the Polyphenol Content of Honey from Different Geographical Origins in the United States” Although we are not related to this work, other than receiving it, I found the application particularly interesting. The following is directly highlighted from the article:

• Honey is a complex mixture that varies based on its floral and geographical origins. The study dives into the world of honey polyphenols, revealing potential authenticity markers and geographic distinctions.

• The work focuses on identifying specific markers to distinguish honey based on their geographic areas in the United States. The approach combines chemometric methods with phenolic compound fingerprinting.

 • Sample clean-up and phenolic compound extraction were done using solid phase extraction (SPE). For compound separation, we utilized reversed-phase liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry.

• Multivariate statistical tools such as PCA, ANOVA, and PLS-DA served as powerful classification and feature selection tools, helping us uncover exciting insights.

 • They identified 12 potential markers that differentiate honey’s geographical origins. The total phenolic content ranged from 81.6 to 105.7 mg GAE/100 g, shedding light on honey from Colorado to Washington, respectively (GAE: gallic acid equivalents).

• The regression analysis unveiled an intriguing trend: as the color of honey intensifies, the total phenolic content tends to increase. 
 This study underscores the crucial role of geographical origin in predicting honey’s physical properties and phenolic composition. It’s a milestone in understanding the complexities of honey and its connection to its environment.

 The full paper is included here.